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Chris Erxnieves

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Colorado Springs, Colorado

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About me

Hey there—my name is Chris.

I'm a passionate full-stack software engineer with an emphasis currently on front-end development.

I'm originally from Missouri, but decided to come out to Colorado to be closer to nature. In my free-time, I enjoy going on hikes and runs, biking, drinking coffee, video gaming, and spending time with my wife, Karla, our cat (Zora), and dog (Dora). We went to the sand dunes this past fall, so I tried to run it (extremely difficult)!

I'm always on the lookout to collaborate with others that get as fired up as I do about awesome software. So if that's what you're looking for, continue reading to get to know me some more and see if we're a match!

Running at Great Sand Dunes National Park


Vivian Health

Senior Software Engineer

December 2021 - Present

I'm currently part of the mobile team at Vivian Health, responsible for all things involving the company's Android and iOS app. In addition to working on the company's mobile app, I'm also the team's release engineer, lead our team ceremonies, and occasionally contribute to the company's web app and API. Our mobile app is a React Native app that uses Detox for E2E testing, and our web app is uses Next.js. On the API and database, we use Express and Postgres, using Sequelize as our ORM. In addition to Postgres, we also use Algolia to power our search functionality.

    React NativeNext.jsReactTypescriptReduxDetoxJestExpressSequelizePostgresAlgoliaGit
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Charter Communications

Senior Software Engineer

February 2021 - December 2021

While at Charter, I worked on the company's internal testing application, Photon. All teams at Charter use Photon for their regression testing with E2E automated and manual tests. Photon also provides our users with comprehensive reporting. We utilized React, Nexus, Typescript, AWS, Mongo, and GraphQL.

    AWSReactTypescriptApolloGraphQLNexus JSMongo DBBitMaterial UIGit


Senior Software Engineer

October 2019 - February 2021

While at Bayer, I worked on a project that pilots various business models that have potential for disrupting the agriculture and climate industry. Most of the systems here leveraged AWS Lambda for back-end and React for front-end.

    AWSReactTypescriptReduxMaterial UIJestPostgresGit


Portfolio V2


It's been a couple of years since I've last updated my portfolio website, so I decided to re-approach it. I really enjoy using React and Gatsby for simple static websites, so I used those again. This time around, I did everything in typescript instead of javascript, and also tried a new component library, Chakra. I also used Framer Motion a little to animate the colorful blobs in the background.

    ReactGatsbyChakraAWSFramer Motion
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Portfolio V1


I didn't have a place to showcase my life's work to the rest of the world, so I made one! I really wanted to do something with React, which is what led me to discovering Gatsby: a static site generator that's built on top of React.

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Designed and developed with  by Chris Erxnieves